Marathon meaning history

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Origin The name Marathon comes from the legend of Philippides (or Pheidippides), the Greek messenger. The legend states that, while he was taking part in the Battle of Marathon, which took place in August or September, 490 BC, he witnessed a Persian...
The idea for the modern marathon was inspired by the legend of an ancient Greek messenger who raced from the site of Marathon to Athens, a distance of about 40 kilometers, or nearly 25 miles,...
The word marathon is the Greek word for fennel, which seems to have grown in the area and gave the battlefield its name. A dagger found at Marathon. …
Marathon, long-distance footrace first held at the revival of the Olympic Games in Athens in 1896. It commemorates the legendary feat of a Greek soldier who, …
As the legend goes, the origins of the marathon date back to 490 BC, in the city of Marathon, Greece. There, the Persian Empire, under Darius I, deployed a massive fleet, manned by 18,000-25,000 soldiers. In …
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Web1. : a footrace run on an open course usually of 26 miles 385 yards (42.2 kilometers) broadly : a long-distance race. 2. a. : an endurance contest. b. : something (such as …
The marathon has a proud history and is steeped in tradition. History records that in 490 B.C., the soldier Pheidippides, covered the distance from a battlefield …
As legend would have it, the Greeks honored the herald by adding a “marathon” to the ancient Olympic Games. But the true history is more complex and convoluted­. Here’s how the race got its...
The word quickly was extended to mean "any very long event or activity." The place name is literally "fennel-field." Related: Marathoner (by 1912); Marathonian. …
Media Platforms Design Team. "A Brief History of the Marathon." Illustration by Dan Fuehrer, text by Scott Douglas. Scott Douglas. Scott is a veteran running, fitness, and health journalist who ...
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The marathon is a long-distance foot race with a distance of 42.195 km, usually run as a road race, but the distance can be covered on trail routes. The marathon can be completed by running or with …New content will be added above the current area of focus upon selectionThe marathon is a long-distance foot race with a distance of 42.195 km, usually run as a road race, but the distance can be covered on trail routes. The marathon can be completed by running or with a run/walk strategy. There are also wheelchair divisions. More than 800 marathons are held throughout the world each year, with the vast majority of competitors being recreational athletes, as larger marathons can have tens of thousands of participants.Wikipedia... Read more