Finland population by religion

Cultures and religions in Finland. 30.11.2023. Approximately 5.5 million people live in Finland. The national languages are Finnish and Swedish. Finland has freedom of religion, which means that everyone can choose their own religion and practise it....
Finland, officially the Republic of Finland, is a Nordic country in Northern Europe.It borders Sweden to the northwest, Norway to the north, and Russia to the east, with the Gulf of Bothnia to the west and the Gulf of Finland to the south, opposite...
Helsinki is the largest city, with a population that is significantly larger than those of Tampere (Tammerfors) and Turku, the country's capital until 1812. Finland - Lutheranism, Orthodoxy, Paganism: Christianity had entered Finland from both the...
The demographics of Finland is monitored by the Statistics Finland (Finnish: Tilastokeskus, Swedish: Statistikcentralen). Finland has a population of over 5.6 million people, ranking it 19th out of 27 within the European Union.The average population...
Religion by country. Finland is a predominantly Christian nation where 65.2% of the Finnish population of 5.6 million are members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland ( Protestant ), [1] 32.0% are unaffiliated, 1.1% are Orthodox Christians,...
The World Religion Database (WRD) contains detailed statistics on religious affiliation for every country of the world. It provides information from country censuses as well as best estimates for every religion to offer a definitive picture of religion...
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More than 65 percent of the inhabitants in Finland were part of the Christian community in 2023. The largest Christian community in Finland is the Evangelical Lutheran Church, followed by the ...
Despite the fact that Finland is less Arctic than parallel territories in Russia, Canada, and the United States, being only partly under permafrost, the north is crucial in the religions of the Sami (ca. 8,000 in Finland) and Finns, the two indigenous...
While Lutheranism remains deeply ingrained in the Finnish culture and society, Other Christian Denominations have also made their mark. Taking a peek beyond the influence of Lutheranism in Finland reveals the presence of many other branches of...
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Introduction to Religion in Finland Prior to Christianisation, Finnish paganism was the primary religion, worshipping a number of different deities.The principal god was the god of thunder and the sky, Ukko. Today most people in Finland are, at least...
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