Your rights and canada s immigration law

Citizenship and Immigration Canada administers several Acts (laws) related to immigration, citizenship, refugees, passports, and multiculturalism. It also assists with the administration of others. Access to the full text of federal Acts and Regulations...
Access to the full text of federal Acts and Regulations is provided by the Department of Justice Canada, which is responsible for maintaining the Consolidated Statutes of Canada. Please read the Important note from the Department of Justice Canada....
The content below is offered in PDF format. For more information or to download the appropriate viewer, check the Help page.. English: Understanding Canada's immigration system (PDF, 289 KB) Spanish (español): Comprender el sistema de inmigración...
A global leader in refugee resettlement, Canada has an immigration policy that is often touted as a model for other countries. Foreign-born people make up close to one-quarter of the population ...
The Immigration Act, 1976, insured by the Parliament of Canada, was the first immigration legislation to clearly outline the objectives of Canadian immigration policy, define refugees as a distinct class of immigrants, and mandate the Canadian...
Right to Freedom of Conscience and Religion. In Canada, immigrants have the right to freedom of conscience and religion. This means that you have the freedom to hold your own religious beliefs and practice your religion without interference or...
The United States and Canada are announcing coordinated efforts to incentivize the use of lawful migration processes and to counter irregular migration.
Laws and Policy. This section provides information on laws, regulations, policies, other authorities, and instructive materials and notices, including links to executive orders, Administrative Appeals Office (AAO) decisions, U.S. Department of Justice...
Your rights. You have the right to remain silent and do not have to discuss your immigration or citizenship status with police, immigration agents, or other officials. Anything you tell an officer can later be used against you in immigration court. If...
The Immigrant Legal Resource Center's main focus is to educate and assist attorneys and legal advocates in their work to help immigrants and their families. For over 40 years, we have impacted the field of immigration law with a three-pronged...
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