Argentina biography

Argentina is the largest producer in the world of yerba mate, one of the 5 largest producers in the world of soy, maize, sunflower seed, lemon and pear, one of the 10 largest producers in the world of barley, grape, artichoke, tobacco and cotton, and...
This article is about the demographic features of Argentina, including population density, ethnicity, economic status and other aspects of the population.. In the 2001 census [], Argentina had a population of 36,260,130 inhabitants, and preliminary...
1 Argentina(阿根廷) 1.1 Matakalay a sowal Pakayni'ay i Arcincin (阿根廷概論) 2 Likisi (歷史) 2.1 I 'ayaw ni Kolongpo a miheca (前哥倫布時代) 2.2 Niyahpikowan ato lalood i Laloma' (獨立和內戰) 3 Ngangan no kitakit (現代國家的興起) 3.1 Ngangan no Kitakit (國家名稱) 3.2 Pikowanan no...
Origin of the name Argentina: The name 'Argentina' comes from the Latin word 'argentum' which means silver. The region got the name because of a legend that said there was a large treasure of silver hidden somewhere in the Argentine mountains. At one...
Argentina is a country in South America. Argentina is the second-largest country in South America and the eighth-largest country in the world. Spanish is the most spoken language, and the official language, but many other languages are spoken. There are...
May 06, 2021 · Early Life. Born María Eva Duarte on May 7, 1919, in Los Toldos, Argentina, Eva Perón was a leading political figure in her native country as …
Apr 28, 2017 · Messi was born on June 24, 1987, in Rosario, Argentina. As a young boy, Messi tagged along when his two older brothers played soccer with their friends, unintimidated by the bigger boys. At the age...
Argentína, hivatalos nevén: Argentin Köztársaság (spanyolul: República Argentina) dél-amerikai ország. Délről és nyugatról Chile, északról Bolívia és Paraguay, északkeletről Brazília és Uruguay, keletről pedig az Atlanti-óceán határolja.. A Föld...
Apr 02, 2014 · Diego Armando Maradona was born on October 30, 1960, in Villa Fiorito, a province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. The fifth of eight children raised by Diego Sr. and Doña Tota, Maradona grew up in a ...
Argentina a fost populată înainte de sosirea exploratorilor spanioli.Existau triburi nomade care se ocupau, în special, cu vânatul și agricultura.. În februarie 1516, navigatorul spaniol Juan Díaz de Solís, căutând un traseu spre Indiile de Est a...
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