United states time

Pacific (DST) 03:56:59 p.m. network delay: 0.3 s
Washington DC. Time Zones: 7 (Main Country) Total Time Zones: 12 (with dependencies) Dial Code: +1. Time Zones in USA. 9:08 pm.
Time in United States now. Time in. United States. now. 04:43:14am. Monday, May 13, 2024. United States (incl. dependent territories) has 11 time zones. The time zone for the capital Washington, D.C. is used here. Sun: ↑ 05:55AM ↓ 08:14PM (14h 19m) -...
There are 9 official time zones according to the law. In addition the uninhabited atolls of Baker Island (AoE) and Wake Island (WAKT) add to the time zone count, making 11 the total number of time zones in the US. Almost all states in the US use...
16:32:23. Fri 10 05 2024. U.S. Time Zone Map. The map shows the six time zones into which the United States is divided. The territory of the 50 US states extends over eight standard time zones, from UTC (GMT) −4 to −11 hours. There are six designated US...
Daylight saving time (DST) begins each year on the second Sunday in March at 2 a.m. (local time). Clocks must be moved ahead one hour when DST goes into effect so at 2 a.m. it becomes 3 a.m. The changeover back to standard time (ST) occurs on the first...
This can make coordinating across the US rather challenging. The time zone map aims to make time easy—without having to do the math. There are 9 time zones in the USA: Hawaii (UTC -10:00), Alaska (UTC-09:00), Pacific (UTC-08:00), Mountain (UTC-07:00),...
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There are four time zones used in the contiguous U.S.: Pacific Time Zone , Mountain Time Zone, Central Time Zone , Eastern Time zone. Alaska and Hawaii have their own time zones, there are five more of them comprising different U.S. territories....
The US spans 4 main time zones, from west to east: Pacific Time - Mountain Time - Central Time - Eastern Time. 2 non-contiguous time zones: Alaska Time and Hawaii Islands Time, and 3 US dependencies with 3 time zones, none of which use daylight saving...
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United States Time Zone Map. View the live map of US time zones below. The most familiar four major United States time zones are Eastern Standard Time (EST), Central Standard Time (CST), Mountain Standard Time (MST), and Pacific Standard Time (PST)....
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