India pakistan

Pokhran-I (Smiling Buddha): On 18 May 1974 India detonated an 8-kiloton nuclear device at Pokhran Test Range, becoming the first nation to become nuclear capable outside the five permanent members of United Nations Security Council as well as dragging...
Pakistan issues citizenship to woman held in Indian jail What the release of a sister-killer means for Pak women Letting Nawaz Sharif leave Pakistan was a mistake, says Imran Khan
Pakistan was created as a national homeland for the Muslim-majority areas of the subcontinent, while India proposed to become a secular nation that included about 85 percent Hindus, but also more than ten percent Muslims as well as large numbers …
Feb 25, 2022 · India Pakistan. Aryan. 2 months ago. 7 / 10. Translate. India is alright but it is a polluted country. Aryan. 2 months ago. 7 / 10. 👍 Vote 2 users ...
Feb 10, 2022 · India won the direct war against Pakistan in 1971 and it will also win the ongoing indirect war against Pakistan-induced terrorism, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh said on Sunday. 12 Dec, 2021, 03.05 PM IST
Nov 10, 2021 · India’s leaders fear the Taliban rise to power will benefit Pakistan and feed a long-simmering insurgency in the disputed region of Kashmir, where militants already have a foothold.
Nov 12, 2015 · India desires peaceful, friendly and cooperative relations with Pakistan, which requires an environment free from violence and terror. The two countries share linguistic, cultural, geographical and economic links but due to political and...
Aug 04, 2020 · Like India, Pakistan is a major contributor of forces to United Nations peacekeeping missions. The Pakistani army consists of twenty-six combat divisions falling under the control of nine army corps.
Feb 27, 2022 · A scofflaw Pakistan wants rights without responsibilities. It demands eternal Indian water munificence while its military sustains export of terrorism to India. Leveraging the Indus treaty to help reform Pakistan’s behaviour offers India...
1 day ago · India and Pakistan signed the treaty in 1960 after nine years of negotiations, with the Washington-based World Bank being a signatory. The treaty sets out a mechanism for cooperation and ...
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