Seeed Studio
Platform is a leading online platform that offers a wide range of electronic products and services. It serves as a one-stop destination for electronics enthusiasts, makers, hobbyists, and professionals looking for innovative and high-quality electronic components, modules, and development tools. The website features an extensive catalog of products including Arduino boards, Raspberry Pi accessories, sensors, modules, and more. also provides resources like tutorials, project ideas, and an active community forum to support users in their electronics projects. With a focus on fostering creativity, collaboration, and accessibility, has established itself as a trusted platform for electronics innovation and education.

It is based on the classical open-source hardware design of BeagleBone® Black and developed into this differentiated Studio BeagleBone® Green is a low cost, open-source, community supported development platform for developers and hobbyists. It is a joint effort by and Seeed Studio.

We are confident that we are able to provide Raspberry Pi-based design solutions to meet your needs. Fill in the form and tell us about your compute module 4 design.seeedstudio.comSpecializing in popular open source platforms, Seeed can provide specialist aid in realizing your design and distributing the physical product to users around the world.

Ready to discover high quality prospects? Identify what technologies a website uses to craft the perfect sales pitch, and shorten the sales cycle with the Similarweb Sales Intelligence get's most of it's social media traffic from Youtube, followed by Linkedin and Reddit (Desktop). Engaging audiences through Facebook may reveal new opportunities

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    #16,658 Site Rank

  • Site age
    15 yrs old

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  • Founded
    Jul 01, 2008

  • Headquarters
    San Leandro

Traffic rank
Site age
15 yrs
United States
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via Upwork posted_at: 22 days agoschedule_type: Contractorwork_from_home: 1
Develop an embedded application for the Seeed XIAO (nRF52840) BLE Sense MCU using Zephyr which streams acceleration and gyroscope data from the onboard LSM6DS3 IMU to the QSPI flash. It is ok if you do not have the XIAO BLE board and are familiar enough to develop without direct testing, I am able to test. The LSM6DS3 must be configured as follows... 1. Accelerometer in low-power mode (XL_HM_MODE bit in CTRL6_C (15h)) 2. Gyroscope in low-power Develop an embedded application for the Seeed XIAO (nRF52840) BLE Sense MCU using Zephyr which streams acceleration and gyroscope data from the onboard LSM6DS3 IMU to the QSPI flash. It is ok if you do not have the XIAO BLE board and are familiar enough to develop without direct testing, I am able to test.

The LSM6DS3 must be configured as follows...

1. Accelerometer in low-power mode (XL_HM_MODE bit in CTRL6_C (15h))

2. Gyroscope in low-power mode (G_HM_MODE bit in CTRL7_G (16h))

3. Accelerometer and Gyroscope set to an ODR of 26 Hz

The main loop should:

1. Record data from the LSM6DS3 to the QSPI flash for 5 minutes and the stop.

Additional requirements:

1. Must use Zephyr 3.3

2. You must extend the XIAO BLE board overlay in the attached Zephyr project to include the LSM6DS3 sensor.

3. You must use the QSPI flash library included in the attached Zephyr project.

4. You must follow a modular programming approach (the LSM6DS3 functionality must reside in separate files)

Reference Material(s):

Seeed Studio XIAO nRF52840 Sense Schematic:

Seeed Studio XIAO nRF52840 Sense pinout sheet:

LSM6DS3TR-C Application Note:
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