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Newest job postings for memphistn
via Seasonal Jobs - U.S. Department Of Labor
Decoratively drawing and painting versicles from the Quran with Arabic letters as well as Islamic figures, motifs, and symbols to the interior and exterior surfaces of the walls and domes of the mosque being constructed one letter/figure at a time. Designing, measuring, and marking said surfaces before the decorative painting. Transmitting the Arabic texts and symbols determined by the employer... albeit in a decorative form. Writing on said surfaces Decoratively drawing and painting versicles from the Quran with Arabic letters as well as Islamic figures, motifs, and symbols to the interior and exterior surfaces of the walls and domes of the mosque being constructed one letter/figure at a time. Designing, measuring, and marking said surfaces before the decorative painting. Transmitting the Arabic texts and symbols determined by the employer... albeit in a decorative form. Writing on said surfaces in Arabic from right to left with connected Arabic letters by using various tools such as stencil brushes, paint, and painting knives. Sculpting Islamic motifs to wooden and ceramic poles inside the mosque by using various tools such as point and tooth chisels, hammers, and rasps Show more details...
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