Organization is a financial visualization website that offers a comprehensive view of the global markets. It provides real-time stock quotes, charts, financial news, and technical indicators for over 7,000 stocks and indices. Finviz offers a variety of tools, such as heat maps and performance metrics, to help users gain insights into their investments. It also has a "Screener" feature that allows users to customize their search and gain a better understanding of the stock market. With its in-depth analysis and market data, Finviz is a great resource for investors of all levels.

The screener enables traders to track the price movements of specific stocks and further monitor various signals and indicators.marketbeat.comFinViz is an online stock screener that can be used in a variety of different ways.

FinViz is an online stock screener that can be used in a variety of different ways.marketbeat.comThe screener enables traders to track the price movements of specific stocks and further monitor various signals and indicators.

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  • Founded
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I want to take the attached python code and make it work with robinhood, finviz, Optuna and threads. I want use Optuna to optimize these parameters `slatr`, `TPSLRatio`, `ATR length`, `rsi length`, `bbands` `length`, and `std... I want finviz to provide a total list of all stocks using `stock_list = finviz.Screener()` i want the code to be updated to place trades on `robinhood` using `robin_stocks` if you're not familiar with robin_stocks, not I want to take the attached python code and make it work with robinhood, finviz, Optuna and threads.

I want use Optuna to optimize these parameters `slatr`, `TPSLRatio`, `ATR length`, `rsi length`, `bbands` `length`, and `std...

I want finviz to provide a total list of all stocks using `stock_list = finviz.Screener()`

i want the code to be updated to place trades on `robinhood` using `robin_stocks` if you're not familiar with robin_stocks, not an issue - I can help.

Finally, I have a lot of servers and I want to spread the processing across multiple computers maximizing the total cores of all the computers.

The code was taken from

I converted it to a .py file to run. I want you to clean up the code, change it from loading from a csv file to loading from finviz and robin_stocks. I want to optimize the code in real time and then trade it on the best performing stocks. I want the script to use as many threads as it can to optimize the trading strategy
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