Themoviedb api
Use the world's best entertainment API to get information about what movies and TV shows are streaming where, as well as all the metadata you need to build an amazing experience yourself.
Getting Started. Welcome to version 3 of The Movie Database (TMDB) API. This is where you will find the definitive list of currently available methods for our movie, tv, actor and image API. 3 Try it! Click Try It! to start a request and see the...
Hi, I've my API key, but I can't find the right address to get the list of movie with attributes as json file. 4 replies (on page 1 of 1) • Jump to last post
A common workflow here on TMDB is to search for a movie (or TV show, or person) and then query for the details. Here's a quick overview of what that flow looks like.
Get the cast & crew information about a TV series. Just like the website, we pull this information from the last season of the series: externalIds: No: 0,1: 0: Get the external ids that we have stored for a TV series: images: No: 0,1: 0: Get the...
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The Movie DB API. Author: Stuart Boston (Omertron AT Gmail DOT com) This API uses the API. Originally written for use by YetAnotherMovieJukebox ( YAMJv2 & YAMJv3 ), but anyone can feel free to use it for other projects as well.
802,869. 3,634. The Movie Database (TMDB) is a popular, user editable database for movies and TV shows.
Welcome to version 4 of The Movie Database (TMDB) API. If you need help or support, please head over to our API support forum. To register for an API key, click the API link from within your account settings page.
The Movie Database (TMDb) is a community built movie and TV database. Every piece of data has been added by our amazing community dating back to 2008. The API service is for those of you interested in using our movie, TV show or actor images and/or data...
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