
Quality: Fixed. Ruling Planet: Pluto, Mars. Ruling House: Eighth. Spirit Color: Black. Lucky Gem: Topaz & opal. Flower: Hibiscus & geraniums. Top Love Matches: Cancer. Zodiac, the eighth sign in the zodiac, belongs to those born between the...
Scorpio love and compatibility. In love and relationships, Scorpio has a reputation as the zodiac's "sexiest" sign. The Scorpio ruling planet is intense Pluto and this sign is drawn to the mysterious and taboo. For Scorpio, a healthy sex...
Charismatic. Scorpios have this magical charm that is hard to explain. They are full of mystery that intrigues the people around them, and this curiosity is what makes you want to know them more. This is also what makes them utterly seductive, not the...
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October 24th - November 2nd. 0 to 10 degrees. The first decan of Scorpio is pure Scorpio energy, ruled by Pluto and Mars, making these individuals intensely secretive and willful. This Scorpio/Scorpio influence amplifies some of the sign's most...
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Top 100 most famous scorpios, historical figures, sports stars, musicians and celebrities born under the scorpio star sign. Hand-picked by our team of editors.
Here's everything to know about the Scorpio astrological sign: personality traits and Scorpio characteristics, compatibility, dates, Zodiac sign, daily horoscope links, color, and more.
Scorpio's typical traits include self-reliance, loyalty, intuition, and a fiercely protective attitude toward themselves and others. Scorpios are known for being secretive and mysterious. This water sign is deeply emotional, but they sometimes hide...
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Scorpio Zodiac Traits and Characteristics. Scorpio zodiac sign is the sign that signals life, death, and rebirth in a never-ending cycle; it is how they handle life. They are constantly reinventing themselves. They are intense, impassioned, and...
Scorpio is a water sign, so there's a deep well of emotion beneath that calm exterior. Scorpio energy is often compared to a lily pad floating atop a swamp: graceful, dark, deep, and ancient ...
Every year, the Sun is in Scorpio around the same time, so Scorpio horoscope dates are 23rd October-21st November. The Sun moves into Scorpio at a slightly different time every year, so if you were born on the cusp (at the start or end date of this...
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