Canada city

We're proud to offer a simple, accurate and up-to-date database of Canadian cities and towns. We've built it from the ground up using authoritative sources such as Statistics Canada*, the US National Geospatial Intelligence Agency and NASA....
16. Thunder Bay, Ontario. 1. Toronto, Ontario. The capital of Ontario, the largest city in Canada, and the city that attracts the most visitors in the entire country - there's a lot to be said for Toronto, a bustling city of almost three million...
Distribution of Alberta's 19 cities and 12 other communities eligible for city status. To qualify as a city in Alberta, a sufficient population size (10,000 people or more) must be present and a majority of the buildings must be on parcels of land...
Coupled with the colorful houses and breathtaking coastal beauty, you might temporarily forget that you're in Canada. While in St. John's don't miss the historical Signal Hill, Downtown St. John's, and The Rooms, a spectacular museum...
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Derek Trask / Getty Images. Though Montreal is officially a French-speaking city, as is the province of Quebec, many of its residents, especially those in the retail and hospitality industries, also speak English.. Until the 1970s, Montreal was...
St. John's, Newfoundland. St. John's, the largest city in Newfoundland and Labrador, sits on the eastern tip of the Avalon Peninsula. As the oldest city in North America, it's been visited by European explorers, adventurers, soldiers and...
These cities emerged in sites of early civilization, such as the Nile valley, the Indus valley, and the Wei River valley. What is the difference between a city, town and village? A city is a large human settlement, typically with a population of over...
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The capital city of Canada made international headlines earlier this year for its uninvited "Freedom Convoy" protests against the COVID-19 vaccine mandates and stay-at-home orders, causing ...
7. Niagara Falls, Ontario. Niagara Falls makes nearly ever list of our favourite and best places in the world. And it is up there as one of the best cities in Canada too! Niagara Falls itself is beautiful, so the city of Niagara has a leg up on other...
Here are the 10 largest Canadian cities in terms of population: 1. Toronto - 6.255 milion. The beautiful skyline of Toronto across Lake Ontario. Toronto is located in Southern Ontario, on the Western shore of Lake Ontario (one of the Great Lakes ). This...
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